It would also allow a shift in the burden of taxation. 同时也能转移税务负担。
The Empirical Analysis of the Influence of the Value-added Tax Transformation on Whole Burden of Taxation of Listed Companies in SSE of Jiangsu 增值税转型对江苏沪市上市公司整体税负影响的动态实证分析
If a central bank is expected to hold on to the government debt it buys, then QE can also support the economy by cutting government-borrowing costs and reducing the future burden of taxation. 如果央行有望长期持有其购买的政府债券,那么量化宽松同样可以通过降低政府借贷成本以及降低未来税收负担来支撑经济发展。
He denied that the burden of taxation had wrecked the economy. 他否认税收负担破坏了经济。
Protect us from the oppressive burden of further taxation so that we may continue our glad giving to the cause of the gospel. 保护我们免受日益加重的税收负担的压迫,使我们能够继续高兴地为福音事工捐献。
And third, reforms supporting the reform of state enterprises must be carried out successfully in order to solve the following problems: the heavy burden of debts and taxation, the enterprise running a small society, and the establishment of a social security system. (三)必须搞好国有企业改革的配套改革,要解决债务负担、税费负担过重、企业办社会、建立社会保障体系等问题。
Above all it observes the burden of taxation about old industry-zones from macroscopic and microcosmic aspect. 首先从宏观和微观角度考察了当前老工业基地所处的税负状况;
Using the optimum taxation theory for reference, our tax system reform should take notice of gaming between participators in tax lawmaking procedure, optimizing tax structure, optimizing burden of taxation and harmonizing between central tax and local tax. 借鉴最适课税理论,我国税制改革应注意税收立法程序中参与人之间的博弈,税制结构优化,税收负担的优化,中央税与地方税的协调优化等问题。
Reduce the burden of taxation. 降低税负。
Do Peasants Still Bear the Burden of Taxation After Cancelling the Agricultural Tax 取消农业税后,农民还承担税负吗
From the viewpoints of equal burden, effective collecting of tax and limitation of taxation lever, the basic contributing factors of educational tax are not fully developed. 而且从负担的公平、征管的效率以及税收杠杆的局限性等方面看,开征教育税现实条件尚不具备。
Different schemes, weight of burden of taxation degree is often different, even differ greatly. 不同的方案,税负轻重程度往往不同,甚至相差甚远。
The paper indicates the source of enterprise tax burden, and analyzes the following problems, such as unbalanced burden of taxation, tax institutional discrimination and disordered policy objectives, etc. 揭示了企业税收负担来源,讨论了税收负担不均衡、税收制度性歧视以及政策目标混乱等问题。
But these reform measures produce new problems in rural expenses of taxation reform at present while solving the old contradiction, such as heavy burden of rural expenses of taxation and imperfect system of rural compulsory education and so on. 在取得成绩的同时,我们也清醒地认识到现阶段农村税费改革中还存在不少问题急需解决,如农业税税负仍然偏重、农业税税收政策不合理、农村义务教育体制不完善等。
Based on the analysis of existing problems of the current forestry taxation, this essay studies the causes to over burden of forestry taxation and discloses the necessity of forestry taxation reform in China. 在分析我国现行林业税费存在的问题的基础上,剖析了造成林业税费负担过重的深层次原因,以揭示我国林业税费改革势在必行。
The calculation of the level of regional burden of taxation is relatively easier to finish, but to judge the rationality of bearing competence and difference of the regional tax revenue is a very difficult subject. 地区税负水平的计算相对比较容易完成,但对地区税收负担水平及其差异的合理性进行判断却是一个十分困难的课题。
Mathematical model of impact of value-added tax's transition on real burden of taxation of enterprises 增值税转型对企业实际税负影响的数理模型
Tax planning refers to the arrangements and plans on the enterprise's operation, investment and financial management so as to reduce the burden of taxation within the state policies and regulations. 纳税筹划是指在法律许可的范围内,通过对经营、投资、理财活动的事先安排和筹划,尽可能地节税以取得最大的税收利益。企业的纳税筹划不同于避税、偷税、逃税。
The farmers 'burden is caused by the enlargement of institutes and also the backward of the financial system instead of the burden of taxation. 农民负担问题表面上是一个税费负担问题,而其背后却是机构的膨胀和冗员的激增,以及财政体制落后的问题。
Lighting peasant's burden and standardizing the system of taxation expenses; 减轻农民负担与规范税费制度的关系;
A repeated levying taxs and high burden of taxation account for the great increase of tax revenues since 1994, far beyond GDP growing rate. 税收收入自1994年以来一直持续高速增长,大大超出GDP增速,有国民经济高速增长的原因,也有重复征税、税负过高的因素。
Analysis of the Macroscopical Burden of Taxation& the Behavior That Enterprise Pay Taxes 我国宏观税负及企业纳税行为分析
Taxation burden is always attentive focus as the kernel of taxation policy. 税收负担作为税收政策的核心问题,一直是人们关注的焦点。
These problems lead to the different burden of taxation between foreign and domestic bank, and the poor competitiveness and efficiency of domestic bank. 银行业税收负担沉重、内外资银行税负差别过大,影响了内资银行的竞争力并导致银行业经营效率低下。
Countermeasure and analysis about burden of taxation 税收负担的现状分析及对策
Currently the irrational reform of taxation and over burden of taxation are the key barriers of limiting the Forestry Industry sustainable development and blocking the Forestry Economic reform. 目前林业税收制度不尽合理、税费负担过重问题,是制约林业可持续发展、阻碍林业经济体制改革的一个重要因素。
Tax reduction, which includes lowering tax rates, reducing categories of taxes, narrowing the scope of taxation, etc., is to reduce the burden of taxation by adjusting the tax laws and system. 减税通常是指通过调整税收法规制度而带来税负的降低,具体包括降低税率、减少税种、缩小征税范围等。
On the basis of Tax Optimization, the article proposes some suggestions to perfect the law from aspects of equality of legislation, moderate burden of tax, substantial taxation, complying with the principle of imposition relevant to capacity. 本文拟以量能课税原则为指导,在税制优化的基础上,从立法平等、税负适中和实质课税等角度对新税法进行审视,并提出完善的建议。
Burden of taxation is an important component of the cost in Chinese petroleum enterprises. Effective tax planning contributes to reduce of business cost, implementation of business strategy, and enhancement of market competitiveness. 税收支出作为我国石油企业成本的重要组成部分,对其进行有效筹划有助于降低企业成本,促进企业战略的实施,增强企业的市场竞争力。